A Complete Guide on Coilovers

Coilovers are among the most expensive suspension upgrades. The ride quality and general driving experience can be substantially improved by using coilovers on your car, or at least by driving in a car with coilovers. Exciting drives on…

Does More Wattage Mean Better Sound?

It is easy to reason that the more wattage and power behind your audio equipment, the better it will sound and the louder it will be. But is that really the case? How can you know if the sound system you are buying for your car is good or…

What To Do Following a Hailstorm

While hailstorms can be interesting to watch, they are so damaging that they cause more than $13 billion in losses in the United States each year. Thousands of hailstorms spread across the U.S annually, which means that you should know what…

What to Look for When Buying a Used Car

There is no way to be completely confident in the condition of a car when you buy one second-hand. But there are things you can do to take away some of the mystery. Even if you know nothing about mechanical issues, it is often easy to spot…